Thursday 9 August 2012

Just pray. Now.

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


We pray for tolerance amongst the nations of this Island.  We pray that the bigotry and racism, the resentment and bitterness that seems to still be prevalent in our City and our country towards our neighbours is removed in the name of Jesus.  We pray for forgiveness for the way in which we have treated our English neighbours.  We pray for the Spirit’s power to descend on our land and heal us.  We pray that we will not be bound by our history, but rather that we will be able to move forward in hope, in peace and in love.  We pray that we will celebrate our differences without them being divisive.  We pray that we can celebrate our unity as Christian brothers and sisters.  We ask for forgiveness for words said, jokes or comments made about nationality, where we think it is harmless, but the reality is that there are people who have been hurt by our words.  We pray for the power of God to descend on our nation and in this City of Glasgow.  We pray that our identity is not from where we were born, but rather through our faith in Christ. 


We pray God continues to protect all those associated with the Olympics.  We pray for a continued peace to be upon London and all the venues of the Olympics.  We pray for a tolerance amongst nations.  We pray for God’s blessings to be poured out on those Christians who have worked tirelessly to serve those attending the games.  We pray that God’s power continue to be seen and that we see and hear of multitudes being saved.  We pray for a boldness for Christians to speak and demonstrate the Living Word to all who need to hear it.

Thy Kingdom Come

We pray that God’s Kingdom comes in Glasgow.  We pray that we see the day of Salvation today.  We pray for the Spirit to move and shake up this City.  We boldly pray for more souls to be saved, and that more will come to know the love of God and that they will recognise their need for Christ as their Saviour.  God we cry out to you for revival in our City.  We cry out to you for revival – today.

We pray that Glasgow will once again flourish by the preaching of the Word, and the praising of His name.


We pray for the community of Anderston.  We pray that as the churches in the community continue to work together for the Kingdom, we will see a transformation take place in the lives of those who live in this community.  We pray for a unity amongst the churches.  We pray for a shared vision to see God’s kingdom come, for justice and mercy to reign and for the love of God to flood the hearts and minds of the people in our community.  We pray for the day of Salvation in Anderston, and we pray that we see that today.

Unemployment & The Economy

We pray for those who have recently lost their jobs.  We pray for those who have been out of work for some time, and are struggling to be positive in these days.  We pray for a renewal of their spirit.  We pray for the economic situation in our City.  We pray that the Church will respond to the needs of the poorest and most affected by the worsening economic situation.  God help us as Christians to never get caught up in wanting more and prosperity of our wallets, over wanting more of Christ.  Help us as the Church to be a church of the poor rather than just a church that serves the poor.

We pray that the imbalance of wealth and poverty will be removed.  We pray that those in the church in Glasgow who have been blessed with wealth will use this wisely and in line with the will of God, and ensure that this is used for Kingdom building, and meeting the needs of our City and community. 

Elderly & Vulnerable

We pray protection over the elderly and vulnerable members of our community, we pray that there will be Christians who can serve and minister to those who need our help.  We pray that in our community of Anderston we will be able to engage more with the elderly and vulnerable in our community and share with them the amazing truth that God loves them just as they are.

The Word

We pray that God’s word becomes a reality for our City, and that Justice and Mercy will be evident in all areas of our society.  We pray that Christians in Glasgow will be God colours in their communities.  We pray that churches will be light in their communities.

A living wage

We pray that all people will be paid a fair wage for the work that they do.  We pray that Christian businesses and Christian’s who can influence these decisions will lead the way in this area in this City, and across Scotland.  We pray that the leaders of the churches in Glasgow will take the lead in this and that those who work for the church will all be paid a fair an living wage.


We pray for the Church in Glasgow.  We pray that it will unite in our Faith in Christ, and that we will not be divided by our differences.  We pray that the Spirit of God will empower the churches of Glasgow to make a difference in their communities.  We pray that God’s name will be glorified by and through, all that we do in His name.  We pray for forgiveness for our inaction as the church.  We pray that we will demonstrate the love our Christ to our City.  We pray that there will be a boldness is speaking the word of God.  We pray that we will stop getting caught up in strategy but allow the freedom of the Spirit to direct us, and when we have heard him speak, that we will be moved to action.  Shake the church in Glasgow from its slumber God.  Break the shackles that have bound us for so long.  Take us to a new place.  Let us see your power at work in our churches and in our cities.  Let us see your power at work in our lives.

Other prayer requests from around the city and the world:

We give thanks to God for answered prayer! 

We give thanks for The Salvation Army Summer Fun Day and the success of this day in bringing together the community.  We give thanks for the many God conversations that took place.

We pray for Sarah as she ministers in Thailand.  We pray your protection over her and that she will see you at work in the community in which she is ministering.

Beniamin Idru who is the Pastor of Efrata Church in Lugoj, Romania.

We pray for children in our communities in Glasgow who are bored during the summer holidays.  We pray that they will be protected from the temptation to get themselves into trouble.  We pray that there will be activities that they can get involved with to keep them focussed on being a positive part of their community.

We pray for the churches response to the children in our communities.  We pray that they will always be made welcome in our churches and never chased away.  We pray that they are part of the family of God within our churches.  We pray that they are valued, loved, and nurtured.  We pray that we will strive to not only open our doors to the children of our communities, but also our hearts.  

We pray for all Christians, that they will be protected from the “slings and arrows” of the evil one. 

We pray for those who have recently changed their lifestyle, e.g. from drugs and prostitution, that they may have Christian influences in their lives.

We continue to pray for the influence of The Salvation Army in Anderston.

We give thanks for all those in our community who have come forward to volunteer with The Salvation Army to help with our kids clubs.

We pray for Jean and her family.

We pray for Fraser.

We pray for families going through times of stress.

We pray for the Masih family.

We pray for Sonita’s sister Nila who is suffering from arthritis.

We pray for Graeme, that you would surround him with your love.

We pray for the new build of The Salvation Army in Glasgow City Centre, that we have faith in God for His provision of the finances for this.  We pray for those who have to make decisions about this, that Gods will be done.

We pray for Anderston Kelvingrove Parish Church that God will bless them in these days.

We pray for Philip that God will strengthen him and heal him.

We pray for Jim.
For the staff and pupils of Anderston Primary School, St Patricks Primary School, Sandyford Day Nursery & Cranstonhill Nursery School.

Lord, there are many hurting people across our city and the world.  May you fill them with your love, show compassion, give peace and bring comfort in their time of need.

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